Sunday, April 19, 2015

Maternity Clothes

L and I are finding that we get a bit of unsolicited advice about pregnancy and having kids. We don't mind at all, and find it interesting what information different friends and family members feel is most important to convey.  Sometimes we even ask for advice from those who are too polite to offer it unsolicited.

A couple of weeks ago I received what I consider to be very wise advice from a pregnant friend: "Don't wait to buy maternity pants until your pants don't fit anymore. Buy them as soon as your waist band starts to get uncomfortable."

I reached that point about a week and a half ago.  Even the waist band on my loose-fit, comfort jeans was uncomfortably digging into me after a full day of wear, so at 14 and 1/2 weeks into this thing, I headed to the store and upgraded to maternity jeans.  They're a little uncomfortable too as they are still a little too big and I find myself constantly hiking them back up, but I am so glad I followed my friend's advice.

Otherwise, I've started feeling much better and my energy level is back up.  I am enjoying coffee again and even a few sips of wine here and there :-)  We hit 16 weeks yesterday, so I should start feeling the baby move soon!

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