Friday, April 24, 2015

16 Week Appointment

We had our 16 week appointment on Tuesday.  It amazes me how I can feel my blood pressure rise as soon as I get in the car to go.  I was excited to go to this appointment, but apparently my subconscious really does't like going to the doctor.  Still, I didn't quite hit the high blood pressure range, so they're just tracking it.

It was a fun appointment.  Our midwife asked if we were interested in knowing the gender, which we are, and offered to do an ultrasound.  Or course we wanted to do an ultrasound, but before she could do that, I had to take my belly button ring out so it wouldn't interfere with the ultrasound.  I got my belly button ring back in June 2002 to celebrate my crew boat making it to nationals that year.  I haven't taken it out since then.  The midwife had to pull out the pliers to get the top ball to unscrew from the post.  After that it slipped out no problem.  She said I could put it back in, but I'd always intended to take my belly button ring out when I got pregnant, so out it will stay.  It's so weird to look at my belly without it.

Our little one was as stubborn as his/her parents and refused to show us what we wanted to see, so we'll wait 4 more weeks until our big anatomy scan to get the official answer on gender (we hope).  I was advised to drink orange juice 30 minutes before the next appointment to get the baby moving :-)   We did get to hear and SEE the heart beating with all the separate chambers of the heart - it was so cool!  For those who know stuff about this or want to bet on old wives' tales the heart rate was 160 bpm.  It's amazing how much the kid has grown since our last ultrasound!

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