Tuesday, June 2, 2015


I've fallen a little behind on the blog the past couple of weeks.  Partly that's because we went on an amazing vacation to the Lofoten Islands in Norway and I was trying to "disconnect", and partly because there's not been a whole lot to write about.  Everything seems to be progressing well.  We never received any calls about major issues discovered at our 20 week ultrasound, so we'll review the results as planned at our scheduled appointment in a week.

Feeling the baby move has been pretty much a daily thing since about week 18 - I'm 22 weeks now.  Lee still doesn't get to regularly feel her, but it's fun to see his whole face light up when he does.  According to some developmental blurb we read, the baby can now perceive light from outside the uterus.  Of course, being the scientifically minded people we are, we immediately set about testing her response to outside light.  Lee shined a flashlight at a specific point on my abdomen, and she kicked at it, or hit at it, or something - I felt her move right where the light was anyway.  It was so cool to actually be interacting with our kid!

I'm generally feeling well.  It's seems like I revisit my morning sickness days about once every other week, but I recover quickly and can move on with my day.  The craziest thing I've felt lately is the days when I get so hungry I could clean out our whole fridge and not be satisfied.  I feel really, really hungry, like I'm starving every 2 to 3 hours for a day or so.  The hunger is not an everyday thing, maybe just once a week.  I can't remember feeling anything like it ever in my life.  Guess that happens when you're growing another person.

I got my first Stitch Fix this week.  They started offering maternity sizes in March, so I decided to give it a try.  I loved it!  I would have kept everything, but the size on one item was just slightly off.  I think the key was a Pinterest board of styles I like that I linked to my style profile.  If you're a woman who hasn't considered it, I definitely recommend giving it a try.  If you use my referral link I get referral credit. https://www.stitchfix.com/referral/5140704  This will be my only push for that :-)

We'll update more and share some of our big ultrasound results next week after our appointment!

Here's a picture from the Hurtigruten portion of our trip.  You can see my belly even though I'm trying my best to cover it up with a down jacket :-)

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