Wednesday, June 10, 2015

A Little Scare

We had a mostly good appointment yesterday.  The really good news: the 20 week ultrasound showed that our girl's anatomy looks really good and she is growing normally.  Her heart rate was strong and healthy as well.  Our midwife also confirmed via ultrasound that we are in fact having a girl :-) My fundal height (the height of my uterus) is a very healthy 24.5 cm - I don't understand how on earth it's going to reach full height inside my little torso, but lots of petite ladies have babies, so there certainly must be a way.

On the not so good side of things, my blood pressure was a little higher than it should have been, so I had to go in today and have it tested again.  The risk was potential preeclampsia.  Fortunately, today, though I was quite anxious, my blood pressure measured low enough to relieve the worry of preeclampsia for now and additional tests were not needed.  Hooray!

Next week we get to tackle glucose testing!

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