Tuesday, June 23, 2015


GD is what all the pregnancy message board posters call gestational diabetes for short.  I will not be calling it that - I think that kind of internet shorthand is annoying because I always find myself having to Google the acronyms to find out what on earth they mean.  Also, I don't have have gestational diabetes - hooray!!! - so I can afford to type it out one more time and never think about it again!

I did find out yesterday that I failed my 1 hour glucose test.  My blood glucose level was 145, and it needed to be less than 140 to pass.  So today Lee and I sat in the laboratory waiting room with 2 other expectant mom and dad pairs taking the 3 hour glucose test.  It was a glucose testing party.  The 3 hour test involves testing your fasting blood sugar level, drinking twice as much glucose drink as the 1 hour test, then testing your blood sugar level 3 more times 1 hour, 2 hours, and 3 hours after drinking the glucose.  That's 4 blood draws in all.  Fortunately, I have no problems with needles, and phlebotomists love my big, dark veins.  I felt and still feel awful from the sugar high this morning, but Lee took me out to lunch and then we ran some errands after the test.  On our way home we stopped back by the OB clinic to get my results.  You have to pass 2 out of 3 of the post-drink blood draws.  I passed all 3 by very comfortable margins :-)

And that brings us to the end of 2nd trimester testing (big sigh of relief)!  My next appointment will be right before we move at the very beginning of my 3rd trimester.

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