Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Heat Wave!

The last week brought record breaking temperatures to Germany and other parts of Europe.  Germany, for generally good reasons, has very little AC.  Unfortunately, we've all been suffering for that choice over the last week - especially all the pregnant ladies - and to be dealing with this in the middle of finishing up our move... it's been awful.  Fortunately a couple of weeks ago Lee and I caved to our desire to do one more thing before leaving Europe and booked a trip to Amsterdam.  We've both been there before, but we'd missed a couple of things we wanted to see and do including the Anne Frank House and the Rijksmuseum.  The trip proved worth every penny, and reminded us why we like cities so much - Diversity!  It was still hot in Amsterdam, but it was about 10F degrees cooler than in Germany on the hottest day, and 20-30 degrees cooler on the other days.  And, most importantly, our hotel room had AC and an incredibly comfortable king size bed!  It was glorious!  We didn't want to leave - ever.

We did leave though.  We had to pick up the dog, take care of our last bit of packing, mailing, and paperwork, and catch our flight.

I had my last Germany OB appointment this morning.  My blood pressure was too high again, but this time they sent me right up to Labor and Delivery for testing and monitoring.  They took my blood pressure in the OB clinic 3 times and it was too high every time.  In Labor and Delivery, they took it 7 times and every time was perfectly normal and healthy.  They also monitored the baby's heart rate during all that which was pretty cool.  I was finally released after an extra 3 hours at the hospital with the conclusion that baby girl and I are totally fine.  Ultimately I really appreciate the care they took, but honestly... I'm trying to finish packing and taking care of all the necessary last minute details today before flying out tomorrow - might that be the reason my blood pressure was a little high?  Still, I can't complain too much about 3 hours relaxing with my book on a hospital bed in an air conditioned room on a super hot day like today.

Big picture: we managed to get everything done and we're all healthy and ready for our trip tomorrow!

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