Sunday, May 10, 2015

Week 19

It's been a fun week!  Since those swift kicks to the bladder a week ago, I've been feeling the baby move a lot.  Lee has felt one movement but barely - he's jealous and I don't blame him.  I received a bunch of maternity clothes to borrow from an incredibly thoughtful friend which made my maternity wardrobe more than double - it's awesome to have choices on what to wear!  We also received our first baby gift from a very dear friend this week which included some beautiful gender neutral baby gear.

Speaking of gender: our big ultrasound appointment is in a week.  Assuming the little one cooperates, we'll be sharing the gender news next Monday.  Any guesses?

Boy or Girl?


  1. Um, because boys rule ... and I shall call him AJ!

    1. I'm sure boys are awesome, and we will be very happy with either a boy or a girl. Sadly (for you I guess) AJ is not one of the names we're considering ;-)

  2. I voted for Gunnar and Vivvi too. You already know what they think. :)
