Monday, May 18, 2015

It's a...

GIRL!!!  And we are very excited!  It seemed pretty clear to us on the ultrasound, but I still feel it necessary to qualify that announcement by adding that ultrasounds are only 90 to 95 percent accurate at determining gender, and I do know one person who was surprised later in her pregnancy to learn that she was actually having a boy :-)  Regardless, we will be planning for a girl!  If you're curious, the poll results favored boy by just 1 vote.

The rest of the full anatomy ultrasound didn't uncover any issues requiring immediate attention, so we'll go over the results with our midwife at our next appointment in June.  Personally, I was just excited to make it through that appointment successfully.  I've heard of women being sent home because the baby was moving too much or they didn't drink enough water, and I was definitely concerned that I wouldn't be able to hold my bladder.  Happily, the technician we saw was very quick about getting the first measurements she needed and then let me take a quick break.

Otherwise, I've generally been feeling quite well.  I get occasional headaches.  I can definitely feel that my lower spine has started to curve which sometimes causes a little discomfort in my back, but that's very infrequent.  I'm sleeping pretty well despite being on an air mattress in preparation for our move.  I have a pretty good energy level, and I don't think "pregnancy brain" has affected me too badly.

Lee finally got to feel his first solid kick this past week - it was a good one too!  At this point, our girl should mostly just be growing and putting on weight for 20 more weeks.  I can't believe we're half-way there already!  Let the naming process begin!

Sunday, May 10, 2015

Week 19

It's been a fun week!  Since those swift kicks to the bladder a week ago, I've been feeling the baby move a lot.  Lee has felt one movement but barely - he's jealous and I don't blame him.  I received a bunch of maternity clothes to borrow from an incredibly thoughtful friend which made my maternity wardrobe more than double - it's awesome to have choices on what to wear!  We also received our first baby gift from a very dear friend this week which included some beautiful gender neutral baby gear.

Speaking of gender: our big ultrasound appointment is in a week.  Assuming the little one cooperates, we'll be sharing the gender news next Monday.  Any guesses?

Boy or Girl?

Sunday, May 3, 2015

"I think I just felt something"

At work two weeks ago, Joanna sent me a text saying “I think I just felt something.” For me so far, that remains the single most exciting point of this pregnancy. I felt a physical jolt that until now has only been matched by bad news last year and a similar scare this year in Stockholm.

The ultrasounds have been amazing, individually and collectively, but they’re all still ghostly images on a screen. Joanna is obviously pregnant, with the morning sickness and especially the fact that she’s showing. Still, you could have similar symptoms after an impressive bender.  Her feeling movements adds a tangible element that makes it apparent that yes, there really is a little person in there.

The Flutters

For the past couple of weeks I think I've occasionally felt the flutters - the first signs of this kiddo moving around.  It's pretty cool, but because it's so rare and usually passes quickly mostly I'm not sure if it's the kid moving around or just a muscle twitch.

However, yesterday after lunch, I most definitely got kicked in the bladder - several times, actually.  I was indignant, frankly.  I've barely felt anything until the little one decided to make him/herself known with a few swift kicks to my bladder.  What a stinker?!

We hit 18 weeks yesterday.  2 more weeks 'til we have the correct pronoun (fingers-crossed)!