Monday, October 5, 2015

40 Weeks

Normally I like to wait until I see the doctor and have more than just general feelings to update the blog with, but this week I'm making an exception.  

The short version is we're still waiting - patiently - but praying for labor to start before my appointment tomorrow.  

The longer version is: We understand that our kid will most likely come out when she's ready, and we're fine with that.  However, if labor doesn't start before my appointment tomorrow then my doctor will try to help it along with some membrane stripping.  We're not technically "overdue" until 42 weeks, so we're trying to relax and focus on everything else going on in our lives.  Lee still has a paper to write, and I have continuing education to work on - or any number of other projects to keep myself busy.

The fact that I generally feel pretty well, makes it easier to wait.  I have tired days here and there, and I don't always sleep well, but otherwise I really have very little to complain about.  Even the little bit of reflux I was having seems to have eased off significantly.  I did have a few little stretch marks finally appear this weekend, but can I really complain about some barely noticeable stretch marks appearing in week 40?  I'd say no.

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