Sunday, August 30, 2015

Continuing the Trend

I should be cleaning up the breakfast dishes right now, but Lee is writing a paper, so I figured I'd procrastinate by writing a blog post.

I had a quick check-up with my OB on Tuesday this past week.  Everything still looks good and is progressing on schedule.  My next appointment, the 36 week check-up, is in a week and a half.  After that appointment I'll start going in weekly to check the cool stuff like effacement, dilation, and baby's position.  Until then I have a few more to-do items to check off my list like getting a Tdap shot and reading more books about how to (hopefully) get our kid to be a good sleeper.

No doubt about it: it's been a long week, and we have five more long weeks ahead.  Mainly I feel like our kid has grown too big for me to continue carrying her.  The books estimate she's 5.5 lbs and 19-22 inches long, so really she's still not that big, but it's how I feel.  Lee mentioned today that he's never seen me so whiny - I expect he'll post something entertaining about that in the next few days. He is right, but I've been more tired and uncomfortable the last couple of days than any time previously, except maybe when I had morning sickness several months ago.  However, when I start to complain, I have to consider my friend who just popped out a 10+ pounder this week.  Thinking of her reminds me that I really need to suck it up :-)

On the bright side, we did have a merciful, if brief, drop in the humidity this week that made my swelling go down quite bit.  It was a glorious couple of days that made me very much look forward to autumn weather!

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